5 reasons to run every day


Photo: http://familiness.com/

If you want a leaner body or simply you want to have a toned body, then the sport is inexpensive to urge and running. But for that you need to have minimum investments still like a good pair of shoes for running, and here I’d recommend you go to a shop to buy you one.

And at least you have 30 minutes free per day. I do not think it is really so difficult to get hold of these things and you start running every day. And if you’re lacking motivation, it can list urneşte will make you comfortable in your chair and start running.

1. Running stimulates endorphins

Did you know that if you run every day at least one km per day, your endorphins are stimulated and you after you finish you feel physically excerciul a wave of love and satisfaction? And if you do not believe me try

2. Running helps eliminate water retention in the body

Can you thinking as you start running as soon as you lose weight. Nothing wrong. Your body will first remove all water retention that has accumulated over time especially if you prefer salty aliementele. So immediately after you start running you’ll see that sweat very hard, and gradually you get off a few kg. Do not think you’re weak, but you have eliminated excess water.

3. Running helps you stay young

Who does not want to be forever young? Even if not invented a recipe for this sport ese quite as important in maintaining body young. So while doing sports, * it is enhanced blood circulation and thereby get more oxygenated blood to the internal organs, muscles and skin. And as such all cells receive more oxygen, the regeneration process is faster, and thus manage to slow down the aging process.

4. Burn calories if running

A normal person someday eat around 1500-1800 calories. And if you run at least 30 minutes manage to lose about 300-400 calories depending on distance and intensity of running. Maybe not much, but it is the equivalent of two chocolate croissants with Kinerase or that you like so much Bueno.

5. sleep better if run

If you have trouble sleeping or insomnia then it would be good to do a sport, and the easiest sport is running. It would be advisable not to run before bed, but ultmul exercise to be done at least 5 hours before bedtime. In this way has time to regulate their heart beat, and go back to sleep before the exercise.

About a possible collaboration not know what to say now, because I am in the process of moving from the country and I do not know how much free time. But after about 2-3 months after I lay down in a new country we could do together, as I like to write and I write enough articles daily.

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