Some tips for grooms and beyond


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Seroussi brand meets every prospective groom or invited to celebrate the marriage of a couple, offering exquisite costumes, designed to meet the stylistic rules, but without sacrificing comfort and lightness while wearing. Quality, diversity and personality Seroussi clothes are the perfect answer to the demands of our customers – men who have something important in common: a preference for elegance.

As a groom, if you can not deal with other aspects of the wedding, you’ll pass with flying colors „sample” meet two basic conditions:
1) I introduce arranged and elegant, wearing a tuxedo and a sincere expression of enthusiasm for this time of life;
2) make your bride a gift to remind him why that marries you.
Groom suit / groom Seroussi
Your appearance matters as much as that of the bride. The first step is to choose the costume that you have to blame the cast. Seroussi brand has developed several models of tuxedos and suits, in different patterns: SLIM FIT, COMFORT TAILOR FIT and FIT. Besides this, some models there are three ranges of sizes: Long, Regular and Short, just to serve as many gentlemen, regardless of conformation.

Pay attention to accessories. The stylish bow tie is knotted by hand – it will have to learn to laws or ask someone to help you. If you do not want to accomplices, ‘directly you to a knotted bow ready. In the accessories Seroussi find many shades of bow ties, silk ties and handkerchiefs ornamental, besides bow tie „James Bond”. Assorted boldly to acquire a unique look. Tie (or bow tie) is not the same as an ornamental handkerchief – denotes lack of imagination.
Oxford shoes when you walk down the aisle should be primarily us. Wear them around the house a few hours before the wedding, to eliminate the risk that they will embarrass you.

Day and wedding night will be long and demanding, so you need a spare shirt and socks. Seroussi shirts are cotton, the white can be simple or textured material with normal or bow tie collar with Swarovski buttons hidden or with single or double cuffs. In a word – you have a choice!

Do not forget the „emergency kit” no sunglasses, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant and some pills to counter a possible headache or indigestion.

Do not load pockets with items listed above! Put it all, including phone, wallet and keys in a bag: just keep your attitude and watch your costume line.

The morning event, make sure your outfit all components are in place and perfectly ironed.

If the civil ceremony takes place on the same day, choose another costume instead of the one you’ll wear the religious ceremony and party.

Tux is and always will be formally male celebrity style. Whether you are heading to the altar, either participate in another type of festivity, a tuxedo will look very refined. You can choose from a variety of models, different in terms of color, the cut, the lapel or buttons. In addition rules leave room wearing tuxedo personal preferences: bow tie can be replaced with a narrow black tie. A simple outfit, black or navy, will „serve” with devotion, provided you choose the best possible and accessorize it properly. Here, the bow tie is absolutely necessary.

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