Despre tractari auto

Astazi am va spun o intampare pretrecuta anul trecut prin noiembrie in timpul unei vizite la niste prieteni. In noiembrie, eu si sotia mai aveam cateva zile de concediu si discutand cu niste prieteni de-ai nostri care stau langa bucuresti la casa am stabilit sa mergem sa petrecem cu ei un weekend prelungit, asa vom profita de aerul placut de la tara si copii sigur … Continuă să citești Despre tractari auto

Bucharest roadside assistance

Imagine the following situation: raining cats and dogs, spare tire that you used last time to change it until it breaks and you’re somewhere on the outskirts of the city (and of course you forgot to replace the spare wheel). What do you do in this situation? I know, it sounds more like a horror movie script but this does not make this situation less … Continuă să citești Bucharest roadside assistance

Roadside assistance – tractari auto ieftine

Photo source: tractari auto ieftine Tow firms began to be increasingly more prevalent in our country. This happens without reason but because of the large number of vehicles, number grows enormously from year to year. As a result, increases the need to resort to such a service. In the following we list some reasons why companies seek the services of a tow, some not well known … Continuă să citești Roadside assistance – tractari auto ieftine

How to choose a cleaning company

How to choose a cleaning company Cleaning the house is a dirty business. If you’re one of the owners of that has to do with work, family and other priorities when cleaning house becomes a challenge that you want to avoid the time. There are many cleaning companies which have emerged over time and are willing to do this for you. Given that there are … Continuă să citești How to choose a cleaning company